Tuesday, April 12, 2011

10 Days in the Perfect Storm

University of Washington Medical Center, Seattle

I thought it was April Fools Day, but it was real. My body had been telling me for days that things weren't right. Somehow your body knows when you are at high risk. I had been telling my care providers that things seemed to be going backwards. Without absolute confirmation they were in a "wait and see" mood. From 1:30am to 4:30am I developed a severe case of para-influenza III. Normally this is a 24-hour flu bug that your immune system can tolerate and recover within 24 hours. But without much of an immune system, it driggered a domino-effect of four major, distinct medical crises. Graft vs. Host Disease reimmerged in my upper and lower intestinal tract. This teamed up with my CMV, which also appeared in my blood-stream. Influenza developed into a lung infection, verging on pneumonia. Oxygen saturation levels dropped to the point of having to start 24-hour oxygen at the hospital. I was admitted once again to the UW Medical Center after a steady and constant decline physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I had three doctors reveal to me after the fact that things might have spiraled out of control and consequences might have been dire. It was at this time that I wrote the blog that I hope didn't offend people about not quoting scriptures to me. I was just trying to focus all of my energy on trying to stabilize. I would welcome anything the Lord put on your heart to share with me. I appreciate all of the concern and cards. I am at a point where I have the energy to read them and will try to respond as I am able.

We are getting legal counsel with my brother's estate which is taking a huge load off and allows me to concentrate fully on getting healthy and putting all my energy into my recovery. It is uncertain how long I will have to stay at the UW Med Center until my gut is stable and the brochial problems are cleared up. I need to be off of oxygen. We are making progress on a couple of fronts, but are still needing improvement in other areas. We appreciate your support and prayers through this time so we can come home as soon as possible. Yesterday was exactly three months from the transplant but we may have to stay beyond the 100 days obviously. Kriss is in Walla Walla taking care of things and Hanna is here helping do what I need to have done. We are learning a lot about patience and perseverance. God is providing everything we need right now through all of you and a lot of prayers and support. Thank you so much for all the work on the house and many many things people are doing to make a recovery possible.

If I can't be in Walla Walla for Easter, I wil communicate a special Easter message to you one way or the other. To quote a famous Easter message from Anothy Campolo, "It may be Friday, but Sunday's a-comin'!" Thank you in advance for all your love and care.

I look forward to hearing from you. Robin


  1. While I've certainly never been in the shoes your wearing now, i have definitely been in a place (emotionally) where words of comfort were more irritating than comforting. I think a lot of people have. Your entitled to your time. While you may find you are beyond human consolation, i know you not out of Gods reach (you sound like you can handle a little "platitudeish" commentary...so there you go). No apology needed, i think.

    We love you, miss you and are praying for you.


  2. I am sure you know this already but it's worth repeating that there are many folks outside our Church & Community that have been praying for you and your family.
    We miss you!

    God Bless,
    The Lightfoots.
